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Diabetes Teaching 123

Instructed in measures important in management of diabetes mellitus: follow prescribed diabetic diet, see physician, dentist, and eye doctor regulary, take medications as ordered, exercise regularly.

Diabetes Teaching 366

Instructed patient on the steps to follow to prevent a heart attack or stroke by: maintaining proper cholesterol and triglyceride levels, exercise regularly, proper diet, keeping all MD appointments.

Diabetes Teaching 377

Instructed patient on important procedures in management of DM such as: follow prescribed diabetic diet, see physician, dentist and eye doctor regularly, take medications as ordered, exercise regularly.

Diabetes Teaching 1240

Taught that following prescribed diabetic diet is a measure aimed to managing/controlling Diabetes Mellitus (DM).

Diabetes Teaching 1579

SN instructed patient on diabetic diet:it is commonly thought that people with diabetes should avoid all forms of sugar. Most people with diabetes can eat foods containing sugar as long as the total amount of carbohydrates (carbs) for that meal or snack is consistent.Many research studies have shown that meals which contain sugar do not make the blood sugar rise higher than meals of equal carbohydrate levels which do not contain sugar. However, if the sugar-containing meal contains more carbs, the blood sugar levels will go up.

Diabetes Teaching 1761

SN instructed that Janumet is used with a proper diet and exercise program and possibly with other medications to control high blood sugar. It is used in patients with type 2 diabetes. Instructed that common side effects include, nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, diarrhea, headache, weakness, or a metallic taste in the mouth may occur.

Diabetes Teaching 2301

SN taught patient on diabetes. To control your blood glucose level, you must have healthy eating habits. A healthy diet has other benefits too. Healthy eating can lead to weight loss. Losing small amounts of weight can often make a big difference in your health. Healthy eating can improve your blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

Diabetes Teaching 2611

SN instructed patient and caregiver that exercise benefits people with diabetes and those at risk for diabetes by helping manage weight, by improving blood sugar levels, and by improving heart health. For a person with diabetes, exercise is just as important as diet and medication.